Entries by Dan Farberoff

To Make A Garden Wilder Than The Wild

Germans are credited with starting the Christmas tree tradition as we now know it, in the 16th century when devout Christians brought decorated trees into their homes. This midwinter ritual that has its roots in older forms of nature veneration — a celebration of evergreen vegetation that has morphed into an idolisation of the evergreen growth economy — is a good starting point for an exploration of humans and trees, cities and forests.

Cities and the Anthropocene

“In popular culture cities are portrayed as terrible dystopias as often as they are shown as places of liberation and excitement. Sentiment swings back and forth. Cities were once seen as environmental disaster zones; now it is recognized that they are much more efficient users of fossil fuels than the suburbs or the rural lands […]

Negev Good Neighborhood Conference

The Good Neighborhood Network is a forum for civil society organizations in the south of Israel that promotes cooperation between Bedouin and Jewish residents in the Negev region. David and Dan presented the Common Views: Sourcing Water project, at the conference, as well as next steps for the project that will involve the creation of a Good Neighborhood cisterns’ trail