The Good Neighborhood Network is a forum for civil society organizations in the south of Israel that promotes cooperation between Bedouin and Jewish residents in the Negev region. The network includes organizations from the Negev, Yeruham, Beersheba, Arad and other areas, which initiate a range of projects in the fields of tourism, education, employment and especially those supporting the establishment of good neighborly relations and cooperation between Jewish and Bedouin residents.

The conference presented a range of such projects, including contributions from municipal and government officials. David and Dan presented the Common Views: Sourcing Water project, which took place in Arad in 2019-20, as well as next steps for the project that will involve the creation of a Good Neighborhood cisterns’ trail, linking Arad with the Bedouin villages in the nearby Al Baki’a valley and reviving the local rainwater harvesting tradition.

To view a recording of the conference (Hebrew) go to: