Lines of Commons
In order to understand the phenomena of commoning, one has…

Aeronautik, Bäume, Gletscher und Unbekanntes – ein biosphärischer Blick auf Tegel
Als Berliner Stadtbewohnerin, geht morgens mein Blick zuerst…

To Make A Garden Wilder Than The Wild
Germans are credited with starting the Christmas tree tradition as we now know it, in the 16th century when devout Christians brought decorated trees into their homes. This midwinter ritual that has its roots in older forms of nature veneration — a celebration of evergreen vegetation that has morphed into an idolisation of the evergreen growth economy — is a good starting point for an exploration of humans and trees, cities and forests.

Biosphäre – Terminologie | Biosphere – Terminology
Was verstehen wir unter Biosphäre und was ist eine "sozial-ökologische" Perspektive? Und was ist eine "urbane Biosphäre"? Was genau ist "Commoning" und wie nutzen wir es? | What do we mean by biosphere and what is a “social-ecological” perspective? What is an “urban biosphere”, what exactly is “commoning” and how do we use it?

Urban Biosphere and Public Participation
The Challenge of Mediating the Complexity (and Messiness)…

Fences in the Urban Context – an Animal Aided Design Challenge?
Flaneuring in the Tegel neighborhood, one can easily identify…

Cities and the Anthropocene
"In popular culture cities are portrayed as terrible dystopias…

Urbane Biosphäre Berlin Reflexionen 28.10.2022
Wir treffen uns in einer Zeit, die ich als zerbrechlich bezeichnen…

Freiraumlabor Workshop
See English Below
Ein Freiraumlabor Besuch vom Common…

Tegel Visit 6th October
The frame of today's strolling can be described as the meeting…