Quote Archives - Common Views Art & Environmental Reconciliation Tue, 22 Nov 2022 13:11:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 175209138 Cities and the Anthropocene https://commonviews.art/cities-and-the-anthropocene/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cities-and-the-anthropocene Tue, 01 Nov 2022 12:55:26 +0000 https://commonviews.art/?p=1996 “In popular culture cities are portrayed as terrible dystopias as often as they are shown as places of liberation and excitement. Sentiment swings back and forth. Cities were once seen as environmental disaster zones; now it is recognized that they are much more efficient users of fossil fuels than the suburbs or the rural lands […]

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“In popular culture cities are portrayed as terrible dystopias as often as they are shown as places of liberation and excitement. Sentiment swings back and forth. Cities were once seen as environmental disaster zones; now it is recognized that they are much more efficient users of fossil fuels than the suburbs or the rural lands beyond. Either way, it is clear that cities distil the ambiguities of our feelings about the Anthropocene.

Cities are the most visible signs of the power of the Anthropocene to transform our planet. Night photographs of the Earth taken from satellites show brilliant dots, strings and flashes of light clustered together. An imaginary alien approaching close enough would be in no doubt that the Earth not only bears life but also that life is advanced enough to be ready for the next stage of evolution.”

James Lovelock, Novacene: The Coming Age of Hyperintelligence, 2019

The post Cities and the Anthropocene appeared first on Common Views.
